Perrier Sparkling 250ml

Perrier Sparkling 250ml

Short Description

35 x 250ml cans

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Perrier flows from a spring  in Vergeze in the Gard, France. The spring is naturally carbonated. Both the water and natural carbon dioxide gas are captured independently and in the bottling  process, the carbon dioxide gas is added so that the level of carbonation in bottled Perrier is the same as the water of the Vergèze spring.


Item code: PERC

Information and Composition in mg/ltr


The information below has been taken directly from the manufacturer

Silica (S102) 12 TDS – Total Dissolved Solids 475
Sulphates (SO4) 33 Potassium (K) 0.6
Nitrates (NO3) 5 Magnesium (MG) 3.4
Chlorides (CL) 21.5 Bicarbonates (HC03) 390
Sodium 9mg/1 Calcium 147mg/1
Ph Level 5.5 Country of Origin France
Source Mineral Water Type Sparkling
Packaging Carton/Can Weight per pack 9.32

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