Harrogate Sparkling 750ml

Harrogate Sparkling 750ml

Short Description

12 x 750ml glass bottles


Harrogate water is characterised by an exceptionally clean and well-rounded taste. It is rich in good minerals, providing a subtly sweet flavour and hydrating mouth-feel. A neutral pH level makes it perfect for pairing with food as it will not cloud the palate.

An optimal balance of minerals ensures a refreshing and hydrating water, not drying like some mineral-stripped waters. It is virtually absent of contaminants such as nitrates, which can give water a processed, synthetic taste. Our sparkling water benefits from a very gentle carbonation, providing an easy drinkability and making it the ideal accompaniment to fine dining or enjoying on its own.

Item code: HASPL

Information and Composition in mg/ltr


The information below has been taken directly from the manufacturer

Sulphates (SO4) 13 Nitrates (NO3) 1
Magnesium (MG) 19 Chlorides (CL) 37
Bicarbonates (HC03) 215 Sodium 8mg/1
Calcium 57mg/1 Ph Level 7
Country of Origin United Kingdom Source Spring
Water Type Sparkling Packaging Glass
Weight per pack 14 kg

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